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St Joseph's NS Mardyke, Cork

Latest News

2023/2024 School Year

25th Nov 2023
We are so proud of our third and fourth class pupils who competed at the Lough Leagues...
24th Nov 2023
On Thursday  30 boys from 3rd and 4th Class in our school  went to St Finbarr’s...
24th Nov 2023
On Wednesday the pupils and staff in St Joseph's came to school dressed in pink to...
24th Nov 2023
More good news from 6th class this week with another trophy to celebrate. Would...
23rd Nov 2023
This year for science week fourth class took on an engineering project to design...
23rd Nov 2023
My favourite part of science week was the volcano experiment that we did in class.  First...
10th Nov 2023
Well done to the boys in 6th class. They were awarded with their 10th line voucher....
5th Nov 2023
We partnered up with 5th class to create a wand inspired by the Witch's wand from...
5th Nov 2023
We took on the job of digging up the potatoes and carrots in the garden!After all...
5th Nov 2023
Some 2nd class boys helped Junior Infants to learn the Haka Gaelach which both classes...