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St Joseph's NS Mardyke, Cork

Curious Minds Gold Award from Science Foundation Ireland

13th Jun 2024

Curious Minds Gold Award from Science Foundation Ireland 


This year Saint Josephs was presented with the Curious Minds Gold Award for teaching and learning STEM for the many science activities we did this year.

My favourite experiment we did this year was positive and negative poles on magnets.The poles on magnets would repel if they were the same and they would pull towards each other if they were different 

The acid and bases were very interesting because they would react and explode when mixed together. We showed first class downstairs how the acids and bases work then we showed them magnets.

We looked in the microscopes and saw little bits of bacteria and dust molecules and other things. 

Fingerprinting we would get ink and then a blank piece of paper then we would dip our finger into the ink and put it on the page. We learnt that everybody's fingerprints are different and there is a type of fingerprint called an arc.

We did a coding workshop in school and used computers for projects.

We went to the Lifetime Labs and Cork City waterworks and did Maths Magic. Some boys did a science quiz at UCC. 

Fifth class showed off some science experiments on the open night.