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St Joseph's NS Mardyke, Cork

St Joseph's won the Sciath na Scol Football Final! (last month)

11th Dec 2023

Sciath na Scol football Final 2023


On Wednesday 15th November, the Sciath na Scol Football final between St Patricks and St Joseph’s NS was played at Pairc uí Chaoimh.

When we arrived at school, we started off with a general knowledge quiz in class. 

After that I went down the stairs with my gear bag. We went down to the shed and changed into our Sciath na Scol gear. 

Then we went down to the bus.

We arrived just in time. We ran down to the changing rooms. We got about one minute in the warm up room, but for me I only got about 10 seconds because I forgot my gloves!

At the start of the match they called out our names on the speakers. Then we stepped forward and waved up to the fans. 2nd class to sixth class came on a bus to watch us play.

They got the first goal after great double save from our goalkeeper. 

Then it was St Joseph's who got the first point after some great one two passes.

It was very difficult to play kick passes against a team with a sweeper and it took us a long time to pull level, our full forward eat two men to play a cross field ball to the corner forward at the back post, who finished with a great sot into the top corner.

I got bodied by one of their players just before half time! I stayed calm and we ended the half up 2-5 to 1-1.

At half time we decided to take our points more. I was to be the free defender.

We started to take over the midfield in the second half. I really enjoyed it because I was the free man and got to start a lot of attacks. 

The final score was 4-15 to 2-2.

After the game we were delighted. Brother Ben presented us with our medals and the trophy. We had won it for two years in a row!

When the photos were printed in the Echo, they printed one of the high tackle on me! 

When the video went up on YouTube we had a class party and watched the game together. We had a great time playing football this term!

Written by FA and IH

Watch here on YouTube: