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St Joseph's NS Mardyke, Cork

Latest News - Fifth Class

2023/2024 School Year

19th Dec 2023
UCC held a science quiz for Science Week 2023.   We did a competition in class...
15th Dec 2023
During Science week in November, Ms. Kelleher's 5th class boys demonstrated and taught...
15th Dec 2023
As part of the Creative Schools Initiative, 3rd to 6th class undertook a workshop...
11th Dec 2023
Sciath na Scol football Final 2023   On Wednesday 15th November, the Sciath...
23rd Nov 2023
My favourite part of science week was the volcano experiment that we did in class.  First...
5th Nov 2023
We partnered up with 5th class to create a wand inspired by the Witch's wand from...
23rd Oct 2023
One of our 5th class students came first in his age category in the mountaineering...
19th Sep 2023
Maith sibh a bhuachaillí. Bua iontach ar lá fluich sa Ghoirt Álainn.

2022/2023 School Year

23rd Mar 2023
We’ll done to the boys in 5th and 6th Class who represented our school in the...